Monday, March 19, 2012

New Literacy Project: Cultural Literacy

 1. Since the beginning of this class my understanding of literacy has changed drastically. I understood that literacy encompasses reading, writing, and comprehension, however doing this project has helped me gain more knowledge about how literacy goes beyond that. I now know that literacy helps us express who we are through visual, cultural, social, etc.   It is related to our everyday life and can be used to describe one’s self. Researching my new literacy has helped me understand that it is important for students to understand each other to eliminate stereotyping, assumptions, or ideas about a person. Doing this project has also helped me realize that as a teacher it is my duty to have students relate to the materials used in class such as books and other media resources. Creating a website helped me to enhance my thinking because it caused me to search videos and different articles surrounding my topic. Doing this helped me gain a better understand of how other teachers have used, or is using these new literacy in their classroom. Also, creating the website has gave me an idea that I will be implementing in my classroom which is social networking through creating your own web page. This incorporation of technology will get my students excited about learning.
 2. Providing effective literacy instruction to diverse learners means that every student it different so it is up to teachers to make them feel a part of the learning. It is important that we educate students about diversity so that they can be productive in society. Seeing that every student is different it is imperative that we design lessons that caters to all students needs. The research I conduced about cultural literacy has informed my thinking because it has caused me to look at all literacy materials differently. Now when I look at children’s literature I look for key elements such as diversity among racial groups. Using the technology has made me technological savvy, now I am able to use this when creating lesson plans for students.
3. Lesson Plan
Target area rationale:
Cultural Literacy is important for students because it allows them understand the people around them. I will be using Weebly as a technology source that allows students to be creative and express themselves through presentation. This will not only allow them to gain knowledge about cultural literacy but also about technology.  Through this lesson students will be able to identify similarities amongst each other and appreciate differences.  

1.     Students will be able to use Weebly to create a webpage that expresses who they are
2.     Students will chose a book that they feel represents their culture and use it on their website as a focus point.
3.     Students will work in groups and each group member will present their partners web page.
4.     Students will be able to identify similarities amongst each other and appreciate difference
Computers (with internet access)
Outline of Key Events:
Intro: I will explain to students what culture is and how it is apart of everyone’s life. We will discuss cultural universals so that students can understand that we all share certain aspects. I then introduce the term cultural literacy to students. I will explain why it is important and how it will be used in the classroom. I will show students different books that incorporate multicultural literacy so that they know how to chose books for the lesson.
Discuss: As a whole class we will go over the Weebly and how to use it. I will share with students my web site that I will design to give them a resource for creating their own. During this will discuss how I used a book to tell my own cultural story. I will also show students how to search different things on the Internet that they may include in their website.
Activity 1: Students will select a book from the school library that they feel expresses them culturally. They will read the book and take notes about key points they feel will be good for their website.
Activity 2: Students will begin to create their website using the information they gain from discussion and their book selection.  Students will use the Internet to help formulate their thinking and acquire new knowledge about culture and literacy. Students will also use the Internet to help them with web design (pictures, videos, etc).
Pair Share: Students will pair with another student to learn more about them and their culture. Students will have their partner share their website with the class.  They will also share with the class what new aspect they learned from their partner.
Closing summary:
I will ask students what they learned by doing this lesson. We will recap what we have discussed about cultural literacy and how it affects all of us, we will also revisit cultural universals to see if students were able to identify any of them from their partners website. This lesson will introduce students to a new technology that they will be using throughout the semester. Students will also be able to identify multiculturalism when reading different books.
Ongoing Assessment: Students will use their website to publish their writing throughout the semester as they learn more about cultural literacy. Students will also use the website to post family pictures, special holidays, birthdays, family trips, or anything else that represents their culture.


  1. Tatianna, I LOVE your lesson plan idea! I think it is so cool to have students find a book that they feel most culturally connected with. I think it would be really effective to also have students go home to their parents and get ideas about which books they should read about or look for and if their parents have any suggestions! Along with your weebly technology use I definitely would recommend maybe showing them scrapblog as well. I used scrapblog for my project and it is an EXCELLENT way to get the students to decorate and organize their projects however they want. I feel like the students may also like scrapblog because it is somewhat like a scrapbook and I feel those are used quite often to display someones own life and stories which is exactly what culture literacy sounds like to me!

    I thought your on going assessment was an awesome way to stay connected with the work the students created and making sure they keep editing and adding to their creation. That sounds like an amazing way to make sure they are still engaged with their project. So many teachers have students create projects, turn them in, and then they're done. This is an effective way to allow the students to always come back to what they've created about their culture which they will continue to learn about :)

  2. I love getting the opportunity to read about your lesson plan ideas for cultural literacy because it shows how versatile teachers can be when teaching their students about the idea! I really like the idea of how you incorporate a book into your lesson that has to do with cultural literacy and technology. Rather than just come up with their own ideas of cultural literacy, you incorporate other literature into the mix to further expand their language arts literacy overall. Not only is it beneficial that students get the opportunity to explore literature to help describe their cultural literacy, but having the students share their ideas with one another will help them learn even more about other cultures. I like the idea of your ongoing assessment and how the website becomes a place that they can show off their culture. Not only does this make students more aware of their culture and allow it to be shared with others, but students will become more acclimated to using this website and find a sense of comfort in using this as well. Enabling students to make their webpage representative of their cultural lives will help them feel connected to using the internet and help show the significance technology can have in the classroom.

  3. I was responsible for giving you extended feedback for the Virtual class, so I have probably already given you a lot of information. :)

    Overall, I learned what cultural literacy is and how relevant it is in the real world. I have been conditioned to think about culture in a historic way, but after looking over Tatianna’s project, I have learned how our everyday choices and behaviors contribute to our own culture. I have also learned that using and promoting thing literacy in the classroom is not limited to, reading about the way another cultural group dresses, what they eat, and how they dance. I learned that discussions about the similarities and differences between responsibilities of children in varying countries could be just as effective. Also, instead of teaching children about other cultures, we need to make sure that we are teaching them about their own.
